on becoming edGe-ucated

Sérrit 2023 – on becoming edGe-ucated, how uncertainty can link the frontiers of expert inquiry to the education of all | Birt 2.9. 2023

Netla – Online Journal on Pedagogy and Education: Special issue 2023 – on becoming edGe-ucated: how uncertainty can link the frontiers of expert inquiry to the education of all is published by Netla – Online Journal on Pedagogy and Education and the School of Education at the University of Iceland. Editor: Ólafur J. Proppé. Editorial team: Jón Torfi Jónasson and Teresa Ritterhoff. Anna Bjarnadóttir managed the publication process on behalf of the Educational Research Institute at the University of Iceland.

Netla – Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun: Sérrit 2023 – on becoming edGe-ucated: how uncertainty can link the frontiers of expert inquiry to the education of all er gefið út á vegum Netlu – Veftímarits um uppeldi og menntun og Menntavísindasviðs Háskóla Íslands. Ritstjóri: Ólafur J. Proppé. Ritstjórnarteymi: Jón Torfi Jónasson og Teresa Ritterhoff. Anna Bjarnadóttir annaðist verkefnisstjórn útgáfunnar fyrir hönd Menntavísindastofnunar Háskóla Íslands.

G. Thomas Fox
on becoming edGe-ucated, how uncertainty can link the frontiers of expert inquiry to the education of all

In this special issue Fox tells stories from the range of his educational experience to show where educating and researching occasionally met edGe-ucating ‒ or why it did not. Following that, he describes how others, primarily non-educators, have achieved edGe-ucating in a range of its possible manifestations. The aim of his writing is to bring edGe-ucating into the discussions, practices, policies, and imaginations of educators, scientists and other expert inquirers, problem solvers, and general publics who may be interested in the possibilities of working together to make inquiry at the edges of knowledge an intellectual challenge for all humans on this earth to take on. He considers why we all may not only enjoy engaging with expert inquiry, but that it may be helpful for the future well-being of our societies, while continuing the development of expert understandings, along with our own.