Námsrými félagslegs réttlætis – English

Learning spaces for inclusion and social justice is a special issue publised by Netla – Online Journal on Pedagogy and Education and the School of Education.  Editorial board members were Atli Vilhelm Harðarson (editor), Berglind Rós Magnúsdóttir og Brynja Elísabeth Halldórsdóttir. Sigríður Kristín Hrafnkelsdóttir was responsible for the project management of the publication.

Í this special edition are five peer reviewed articles (one in English) and one edited. In addition to a general manuscript review, they are read by the editorial board and peer-reviewed by two experts in the field of the subject. At least one of the experts does not work in the same field as the authors of the articles. Full anonymity is maintained during the peer review.

Published 31.12.2016


Anh-Dao Tran, Samúel Lefever and Hanna Ragnarsdóttir
Equitable Pedagogical Practice in Culturally Diverse Classrooms: Perspectives of Teachers and Students in Upper Secondary Schools
Í grein Anh-Dao Tran, Samúel Lefever and Hönnu Ragnarsdóttur, Equitable Pedagogical Practice in Culturally Diverse Classrooms: Perspectives of Teachers and Students in Upper Secondary Schools er fjallað um helstu niðurstöður eigindlegs rannsóknarverkefnis í þremur framhaldsskólum. Verkefnið er hluti af norræna rannsóknarverkefninu Námsrými félagslegs réttlætis og menntunar án aðgreiningar: Frásagnir um velgengni nemenda af erlendum uppruna og skóla á fjórum Norðurlöndum (2013-2015).

Here are all the articles