Framtíð og tilgangur menntunar: Sérrit til heiðurs Jóni Torfa Jónassyni, prófessors emeritus – English

Netla – Online Journal on Pedagogy and Education: Special issue 2022 – Future and purpose of education: Special issue in honor of Jón Torfi Jónasson, professor emeritus is published by Netla – Online Journal on Pedagogy and Education and the School of Education. Editors: Amalía Björnsdóttir, Þuríður Jóna Jóhannsdóttir, Auður Magndís Auðardóttir, Jón Ingvar Kjaran and Eyja Margrét Jóhönnu Bynjarsdóttir. Katrín Valdís Hjartardóttir was responsible for the project management of the publication.

In this special issue there are 24 articles (one in English). In addition to a general manuscript review, peer reviewed articles are read by the editorial board and peer-reviewed by two experts in the field of the subject. Full anonymity is maintained during the peer review.

Published: 12.11.2022

Pascale Mompoint-Gaillard
Responding to obstacles to educational change: Can online professional learning communities of educators help alleviate inertia?

The complexity and uncertainty that our societies face today invites us to rethink our notions of learning, schooling, and the broader question of the purpose of educations. This paper discusses Jónasson´s article „Educational change, inertia and potential futures: Why is it difficult to change the content of education?“ In which he argues that these disruptions demand changes in education, namely in its aims, and in its content. The results show how the OPLC, by opening a space for educators to critically reflect on their practice with peers and facilitators, presents a model that may start addressing the two selected inertial constraints cited by Jónasson.

Here are all articles in this special issue